Corporate Sale
Trade Sale, -Spin-off, MBO, MBI
You have a business unit or a subsidiary that no longer fits your corporate strategy. Or you may be an entrepreneur interested in selling your company.
The professionals from BridgeLink offer a complete business transfer service to help you formulate and achieve your objectives.
- What type of transaction is best suited for your purpose: Trade sale, Management Buy-Out/Buy-In?
- What is the true value of the business? What price can realistically be expected?
- Where are the buyers willing to pay the best price?
- How to structure incentives for the management in case of a trade sale?
- Would the management be willing to acquire the company?
- How to structure financing for a MBO/MBI or an external acquierer?
- How to protect the value of the business during the sale process?
- How to prepare for the Due Diligence. Have all possible legal and tax consequences been identified?
Even if you know the answers to these questions you may wish to delegate the sale to an independent expert in order to speed-up the process, avoid a direct exposure on the market and avert indescretions.
BridgeLink supports you with the financial, legal and legal structuring and manages the whole process so that you can focus on the company business.