Why BridgeLink?
BridgeLink is experienced
BridgeLink partners have decades of experience financing, buying and selling businesses. We know the processes and negotiation tactics involved. Importantly, we are implementation-oriented.
Since foundation in 1996 BridgeLink has built a track record of over 180 predominantly successful mandates. In addition to that the partners have experience as senior managers and/or entrepreneurs involved in their own transactions. All BridgeLink partners have lived and worked abroad. We speak German, French, English, and Spanish.
BridgeLink is focused
BridgeLink is a streamlined team of professionals who do nothing other than financial and strategic transactions.
To answer legal and tax questions we provide a team of specialised international lawyers.
BridgeLink has a strong network
We know the international financial centres of London, Frankfurt, Paris and New York. We also know the interests and priorities of many Private Equity investors with whom we have regular contacts and meetings.
BridgeLink quotes transparent Costs and Fees.
Our assignments are carried out on the basis of a work proposal in which BridgeLink’s services are defined step-by-step along with agreed deadlines and fees. Much of BridgeLink’s compensation comes in the form of contingency fees which vary according to success.